As an institute that is dedicated purely to creativity related courses, SAE Dubai’s curriculum is focused on enabling students to use all their time in the campus to learn only what they’re passionate about, whether it is design or gaming or film. In order to create differentiation, more important than a campaign refresh, what they needed was a messaging refresh.
So we spoke to prospective students in their language through a quirky digital campaign that reflected how creatively inclined people see the world with a different lens, i.e., the seemingly usual things around us appear very different to them, encapsulated by #SaeTheWorldDifferently. The idea worked on two levels – that of respecting and recognising them for their ‘unique way of looking at things’ and then offering them a solution to unleash their creativity.
The campaign intends to target the young creative blood who feels intimidated by those that look down upon their creative career choices compared to the more traditional streams. The strategy aims to instill pride in these prospective students who think differently by showing that their unique points of view are something they should celebrate.
This campaign was brought to life through a launch video ‘Cactus’ that showcases how something as simple as a cactus is seen from a different point of view by enthusiasts from each of these disciplines.
The launch video is followed by a shorter content piece on each of the individual disciplines offered at SAE. In addition to these videos posted all across SAE’s social channels, the same thought is taken forward through an entire gamut of executions from targeted digital banners to social posts, stories and carousels. A separate TikTok strategy is being worked out currently to strike a chord with the target audience, the Gen Z.